Episode 13 - A Little Shameless Self Promotion Never Hurt Anyone... Right?

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Update Recording Date: (20/06/27)

Interview Recording Date: (20/05/03)

In this episode I did my very first discovery call for the new group program and I shamelessly plug the new group program that I'm developing. 

Want to see if this would be a good fit for your business? Book a call with me!

Want to skip the call and just join the program? Click Here! 

My guest today is Ashlee is a swiss-army knife of skills. She has gone from cosmetologist to entrepreneur. On her journey she’s collected numerous college degrees, certifications & experiences. Ashlee ignored the “entrepreneurial itch” for a long time. 

She kicked the title of Ashlee Angelus, MSA, CPLC & Certified Behaviorist and embraced her passion. Helping others thrive.

Ashlee left her comfortable 9-5 pension job after losing her first child and a traumatic birth experience. Leading her to becoming a NICU mother battling severe postpartum depression and anxiety. Ashlee found beauty in the breakdown, straightened her crown and went ALL IN to entrepreneurship on maternity leave.

Ashlee helps moms gain confidence, clarity and strategy in their business through mindset shifts. She is your go-to woman to fill the gap between motherhood & entrepreneurship. Helping you dig deep into the self-development & business foundations you need for being a CEO Mom! She will help you bring your ideas into action.

In her own words, “ I'll never claim to be the know-all , be all. But, with my powerful questioning techniques I can lead you to your ah-ha moments and guide you toward that fierce, confident, and passion driven woman you have inside of you!”

Links for people to find Ashley:

Ashlee's Facebook Group

Ashlee's Instagram

Ashlee's Linkedin

Ashlee's Website

If you would like to join her amazing community for working moms, then join here: Business Confidence for Passion Driven Moms

To learn more about working with Jen check out www.dollardivas.org or join the Money Smart Boss Babes on Facebook.  

Thank you for listening. If you like the show please download episodes, subscribe or leave a review (5 stars would be a great review to leave).  

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Show Music can be found at Audio Jungle 


Episode 14 - My Crazy Mindset BullSh**


Episode 12 - OMG I Have So Much To Do... Ooo! Something Shiny!