How did I get here?

I’m Jen and I love money!

I was lucky enough to be raised in a house where money was discussed openly. My father was a successful psychologist and my mother was his “right hand man”.

My first “real” job was running the office of the dance studio where I trained as a teenager. I very quickly became the “right hand man” to the studio owner.

After I graduated from University I got a job as a financial planner and found myself once again working with entrepreneurs. Over and over again I worked with people who were amazing at their chosen trade, massage therapists, home stagers and even lawyers. They all had the same story, loved their job, had no problem bringing in new clients but they were not financially stable. 

These same business owners struggled to pay themselves a paycheque and keep the bills up to date.


This is the question that plagued me as a financial professional until I realized that most entrepreneurs are too busy doing what they love to deal with the nitty gritty of running a business.

That’s when I realized what I needed to do.

What People Are Saying

Are you amazing at what you do?

It’s a tale as old as time. You go into business because you’ve found your purpose and you want to turn your passion into profit. Time ticks along and your client list grows but… instead of seeing the profits you dreams of you see 80 hour work weeks, head aches and a mountain of unpaid bills.

Most people don’t find cash flow statements and profit/loss reports to be super exciting, so let me teach you a better way.

Imagine going to sleep every night knowing exactly what is happening with your money. Knowing with confidence that your bills are covered, your paycheque is ready and waiting for you and you’ve got money stashed away ready for tax season.